
Showing posts from August, 2023

Social Conundrums, Part XIII

 B​y Renee Hughes G​ershom Hannah's promise rang in my head throughout the meeting. Without it, I would have felt utterly defeated. Other than expressing sympathy with my views and position none of my supporters had anything of true substance to add.  A​ few promised to start a protest to call attention to the issue. Others vowed to voice their full objections to it at our final meeting with the mediator. These were nothing more than symbolic gestures and would accomplish nothing.  The reptiles remained respectfully quiet throughout Hannah's presentation but no one thought it had any merit. Her suggestion of doing a thorough background check into Anne's past had been a controversial one. In the beginning, I too discouraged the idea but as our options narrowed I pushed for it to happen. Now I felt the backlash of that decision.  "​Anne's past is not relevant," an indignant Indian python said with a loud angry hiss after Hannah spoke. "It is her philosophic...