Social Conundrums, Part X
By Renee Hughes Dave's eyes, however , continued glancing expectantly at me. He wasn't the only one nearly everybody in the room quieted down eager to hear the committee chairperson's decision. "If both sides create arguments that influence the public to vote down the recommendation, then what happens next?" I asked everyone. Silence greeting my question. "That is the problem with this course of action. We will end up right back here," I said pounding the table for emphasis. "I am not a fan of this Third Way but maybe it really is the best way forward ," I said. "Perhaps Mediator Kim is right that getting a little of what we want is better than having none of it." S haking my head I stood. "I need some air," I said suddenly weary of it all. A burning desire to shed this form for something else coursing in my veins. I then quickly stood calling for a recess leaving the room before anyone could engage me further ...