Humanity's Evolution, Part IV
By Renee Hughes A deep silence came over the gathering until a Little Dragon sitting on the farthest edges of the crowd broke it. "I am not sure that is the question we should be asking ourselves." I peered in the direction of the speaker, a young man, whose self-confident air came across loud and clear in the energetic as well as the physical plane. Ezekiel gave the man an annoyed look. "I am surprised to see you here Gershom," he said. The name sounded familiar. "I don't see why. I am very concerned about the information you are giving to the public at large today," Gershom said. Then I remembered. He is also a historical anthropologist but his specialties lay in societies existing before the 21st century. Gershom is an indisputable expert on the social structures of these prior civilizations. He and I were supposed to do this talk together, but then he declined. "If you are so concerned, how come you are not up here helping me with this lec...